sw wp list
List WordPress sites by domain.
sw wp listinfo
List some information about each WordPress site. Information includes the domain, WordPress version and the cron job status of each site.
sw wp add sw wp create
Your domain should already be registered with your nameservers set to your server at the registrar. Wait at least five minutes after changing nameservers at your registrar to run this script.
This script runs all the steps to create a new WordPress site under a new system user and MySQL database. This script runs “sw user add”, “sw dns add”, “sw php add”, “sw nginx add”, “sw cert add”, “sw nginx addssl”, “sw db add”, runs the commands to install the latest WordPress files into public_html, adds the database credentials to wp_config.php, and finally, runs “sw wp cron”.
sw wp clone
Clone a WordPress site to a new system user and database. This script runs “sw user add”, “sw dns add”, “sw php add”, “sw nginx add”, “sw cert add”, “sw nginx addssl”, “sw db add”, and “sw wp cron”.
sw wp login sw wp login
Create a one-time use link to log into the admin account for a WordPress installation.
sw wp cron sw wp cron
Create a real system cron job for a WordPress site and disable the fake cron that runs at page load. This speeds up page loads and prevents low-traffic sites from falling behind on updates.
sw wp listupdate
sw wp listupdate
List WordPress software that needs updating. This will check the version of WordPress itself as well as all installed themes and plugins.
sw wp installcli sw wp install-cli sw wp updatecli sw wp update-cli
Update or install the WordPress Command Line Interface to allow users to manage their WordPress sites from the command line. For more information on using the Worpress CLI see that project’s homepage.