sw db list
List all databases in the system. This list excludes system databases like information_schema.
sw db add sw db create sw db add database_name sw db add database_name database_user
Create a new MySQL database along with a new user. You will be prompted for the name of the database, the username, and the user’s password and if required, the root MySQL password. The user is only set up to allow local access.
sw db listuser sw db listusers
List all database users.
sw db listgrant sw db listgrants
List database users and over which databases they have some rights granted.
sw db remove sw db remove database_name sw db delete sw db delete database_name
Delete a database and all of it’s data. You will be prompted to also remove all users that have grant rights over the database.
sw db check sw db check database_name sw db check +
Check a database to see if it is in need of repair. If “+” is given, all databases are checked.
sw db repair sw db repair database_name
Run a repair on an SQL database.